Department of chemistry
and biology

The department was founded in 1993 at the Medical Center of Fergana State University in the status of the department of “Medical Biology and Chemistry”. Since August 2020, the Department of Chemistry and Biology has been headed by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Marupova Manzura Aminovna. Over the past period, the results of scientific research of the teaching staff and gifted students of the department have been published in more than 150 scientific articles in prestigious scientific journals of foreign countries and the republic, and they also made reports in a number of scientific and practical conferences.

The following disciplines are currently taught at the department

Medical Chemistry


Medical biology.

General genetics


Inorganic chemistry

Marupova Manzura Aminovna  (Associate Professor) – Head of the Department of Chemistry and Biology of the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health. She was born in 1957 in the village of Yangikurgan, Buvaida district, Fergana region. Chemistry and biology teacher. Since August 2020, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Biology. The general scientific teaching experience is 41 years. Conducts scientific work on the topic “Improving the classification and certification of pesticides based on their chemical composition.” Reception days: Monday, Wednesday from 13:00 to 15:00.
Rakhmatullaev Izatulla – Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Biology of the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health, Ph.D.

Rakhmatullaev I. Born on May 20, 1948 in Markhamat district of Andijan region. In 1973 he graduated from the Fergana State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Biology and Chemistry. Scientific work on organic synthesis was carried out in the laboratory “Synthesis of synthetic medicinal substances” of the Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Latvian Academy of Sciences in Riga. Since September 2020, he has been working as an assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biology. Conducts research work in the direction “Synthesis of carbohydrate-derived medicinal substances based on glycosyl isothiocyanate”.
Yakubov Ilham Yuldashevich – Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Biology of the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health, candidate of chemical sciences. Was born in 1949 in the Kuva district of the Fergana region. From 2020 to the present, he is an assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biology at the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health. Conducts scientific work on the topic: “The use of medicinal plants containing trace elements in medicine.”
Akhadzhonov Mavlonjon Mahmudjon ugli – Assistant of the Department of Chemistry and Biology of the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health. Was born in 1991 in the Karmak district of the Fergana region. Specialist in the field of chemistry of materials and substances (organic materials). Since September 2020, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Chemistry and Biology. Conducts scientific work on the topic “Issues of improving the classification of fungicides by chemical composition.”
Tadjibaeva Dilafruz Rakhmonberdievna  – Assistant of the Department of Chemistry and Biology of the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health. She was born in 1978 in the village of Uchkurgan, Batken region, Kyrgyz Republic. Biolocation specialist (human and animal physiology). Since September 2020, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Chemistry and Biology. Conducts scientific work on the topic “Study of the adaptive potential and physical development in the body of mature youth.”
Baltaeva Yulduz Yusupbaevna – Assistant of the Department of Chemistry and Biology of the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health. She was born in 1986 in the city of Gurlan, Khorezm region. Specialist in the field of human molecular genetics and medical genetics. Since September 2020, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Chemistry and Biology. Conducts research work on the topic “Gene expression in response to LPS, type I and type II interferons as new biomarkers in atherosclerosis”. Fluent in English and Russian. Has an IELTS certificate in English.
Yerkinoy Khalpazhonovna Nazarova –  Assistant of the Department of Chemistry and Biology of the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health. She was born in 1975 in Akbarabad district of Fergana region. Chemistry teacher. Since January 14, 2021 he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Chemistry and Biology. Conducts scientific work on the topic “Improving the classification of insecticides by chemical composition.”
Kadirova Khulkaroi Abduvasievna – Assistant of the Department of Chemistry and Biology of the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health. She was born in 1984 in the city of Fergana, Fergana region. Specialist in biology (human and animal physiology). Since September 2020, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Chemistry and Biology. Conducts scientific work on the topic “Ephemera in the flora of the Fergana Valley”.