Department of languages

Department of Uzbek and foreign languages

In 1993, the Department of Languages was established at the Medical Center of Fergana State University. In 2006 he was included in the department of “Social Sciences and Humanities”. Since 2013, after the decision of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan IA Karimov dated December 10, 2012 No PP-1875 “Measures to further improve the system of learning foreign languages” from 2014-2015 academic year, the department of “Languages and educational technologies” was established. From 1993 to 1994 Muminov Siddiq Mumin, from 1994 to 2004 Shamsutdinova Oftobkhon Maksudalievna, from 2004 to 2006 Yuldasheva Karima Alievna worked as the head of the department. In September 2014, the department of “Languages and educational technologies” was established and headed by MR Kadyrova, in the 2018-2019 academic year was part of the department of “Social and Humanities”. In 2019-2020, the department of “Languages and Educational Technologies” was reorganized, during which time MR Kadyrova worked as head of the department. In the 2020-2021 academic year was established as the department of “Uzbek and foreign languages.” IH Iminakhunova began her career as the head of the department. Senior teachers of the department U.Akhmedova, O.Tuychieva, M.Kadirova were awarded honorary diplomas of the regional governor and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education “For effective work in educating the younger generation.” As part of the implementation of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 10, 2012 No PP 1875, the department has carried out a number of activities. The department of “Languages and Educational Technologies” is developing programs that include new innovative teaching methods. The department has created educational-methodical complexes, syllabi and case-stadiums in all disciplines. Today, a lot of literature, textbooks and Internet resources are used in the lessons, which meet the world standards of English language teaching. English teachers of the department regularly take an active part in all seminars and trainings on CEFR, including the English teacher of the department A. Anvarov has a certificate on CEFR. Computer-language classrooms and auditoriums equipped with information technology have been set up for them to learn foreign languages. Every professor-teacher effectively uses video projectors and teaching aids during the lessons. During its existence as a department of “Languages and educational technologies” created a number of textbooks and guidelines based on new pedagogical technologies: “Pedagogical mastery” (M.Kadirova, U.Akhmedova), “Care for English” (M.Kadirova, H.Mamatkulov , I.Iminakhunova, M.Botirov) “Medical dictionary” (M.Akhmedova, U.Akhmedova), “Basic phrases and terminological elements of medicine” (O.Tuychieva), Training of professional association “Doctor – Bolnoy” (M.Kadirova , U.Akhmedova), “Short dictionary abbreviation on medicine” (U.Akhmedova), development of a seminar on “Pedagogy” (M.Kadirova). The above-mentioned textbooks and manuals, electronic dictionaries were developed by M.Kadirova, I.Iminahunova and copyright certificates were obtained. During the activity of the department practical project “Creation of a system of continuous training and improvement of its effectiveness in foreign languages, information and communication technologies and educational technologies for medical staff” marked with the state number-A -1 -100, BYoA 1-012 “Foreign language in higher education institutions The practical project of young scientists “Methodological bases of formation of ecological culture of students in lessons” was carried out by M.Kadirova as the head of department and the teacher of department I.Iminahunova. Professors Muminov Siddiq Mumin worked as a teacher of Uzbek language from 1993 to 1994, now works as a professor at Fergana State University, Shamsutdinova Oftobkhon Maksudalievna worked as an English teacher from 1993 to 2004, Farghona. Kurbanov Marat Ganievich was a director of the Yormozor Academic Lyceum at the Polytechnic Institute, now retired. From 1993 to 1997 he was a teacher of Latin. He continued his work at Fergana State University. Pak Larisa Trofimovna worked as an English teacher from 1993 to 2004, died in 2004, Khlopova Lidiya Efremovna worked as a Russian language teacher from 1999 to 2001 Karimova Qumri Aliyevna moved to Russia, where she worked as a Russian language teacher from 1993 to 1997.
Kaniev Marufjon Muhammadzhonovich:  has been working as a lecturer in Russian language at the Fergana Public Health Medical Institute since September 20, 2019. In the first period, M.M. The following work was done by Faniev. In September 2019 on the basis of the International educational program 3 + 3 directions of medical work, 3 + 2 sets of teaching methods for students studying in dentistry, training programs on pediatrics, rezhiqal tatikik Calendar-theme. He also developed training programs for the requirements of the Foreign Authority (Pakistan). M.M. Ganiev is currently engaged in research work at the Fergana State University, Associate Professor of Russian Philology, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences G.N. Davlyatova is a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology, “The Origin and Use of Conceptual Metaphors in Medical Speech” (based on Russian and Uzbek materials). Schuningdeck, M.M. Ganiev has published several articles in international and local scientific journals from September 2020 to the present. 1. International scientific journal “Young Scientist” in the October 2020 issue №44 on “Problems of teaching Russian to students of medical universities in Uzbekistan.” 2. International scientific journal “Young Scientist” in the January 1, 2021 issue # 1 “The role of explaining and explaining the Russian language to foreign students.” 3. International scientific journal “Young Scientist” in the February 6, 2021 issue on “Lexical comparison of some words and phrases in multi-system languages ​​(based on the languages ​​of Russian, Uzbek, English and Pakistani Urdu)” 4. Proceedings of the first international practical online conference dedicated to the Year of “Youth Support and Public Health” with the participation of international partner universities, co-authored with Serina Sajadhon Khan, a foreign student of the 1st stage 2920 group. Linguistic randomness of some words and phrases related to the publication of Mauzid’s thesis. 5. On April 4, 2021, the scientific journal “Integration of Science, Education and Practice” adopted by the UAC published a scientific article entitled “Complex Sentences and Types of Complex Sentences”. 6. Development of work with gifted students Khorizhlik 1st stage 2920 student of the group Serina Sajadhon Khan co-authored with the Fergana branch of TUIT on April 16-17, 2021 took part in the republic. Zori training was held in February at M.M. Ganiev signed an agreement with the Kursk State Medical University of the Russian Federation and the Organization of Health and Public Health in Koshi. Experience of the Russian Federation and prospects for its use abroad. ”№ 144-hour online training courses. In addition, all public affairs in the external department and public works, which are managed by the administration of the institute and higher organizations, are also carried out diligently. The group has been conducting educational, enlightenment and cultural activities with D-2, D-3 students for two years under the guidance of a coach. April 1, 2021 Uzbek and Khorizhy languages ​​are working as cathedra director.
Kakhorova Tursinoy Ulugbek qizi – teacher of Uzbek and foreign languages. He was born in 1991 in Kuva district of Fergana region in an educated family. In 2016, he graduated from Fergana State University with a degree in English. In 2020, he graduated from Fergana State University with a master’s degree in linguistics (English).  From 2020 he will work at the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health. He continues his research work on “Improving the professional skills of students in the study of English through didactic materials (on the example of medical universities).”  Rakhmonov Mahfuzullo – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, – Associate Professor of Uzbek and Foreign Languages.
A.Anvarov has been working as a teacher of foreign languages ​​at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Uzbekistan Fergana Medical Institute since January 18, 2021. During this period, A.Anvarov did a lot of work. A.Anvarov, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Kadirova Munira Rasulova in their barbarism on the continuation of the life of the professionally required professional skills in the field of medical education. presented to the Board. – One study program for Bioengineering meetings, the Monocommission of the Ministry of Health was praised for studying at the Ministry of Higher and Other Special Education, which is conducted at home. – Prepared for 1 textbook for 1 course of Public Health Techniques named after A.A.Ibn Sino and is currently submitted to the Ministry of Higher and Specially trained Ministry of Health on the recommendation of the Center for Development of Medical Education of the Ministry of Health. – 1 textbook for 2 courses of Public Health Techniques named after AA Ibn Sino is being prepared and is currently being submitted to the Ministry of Higher and Other Specialized Ministries on the recommendation of the Center for Development of Medical Education of the Ministry of Health. – Rossing’s article “The role of information technology in the study of foreign languages” was published in the international scientific journal “Young Scientist”. (No. 14 of April 2021), – On April 16, 2021 at the Fergana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies at the International scientific-practical online conference on the topic “Methodological bases of teaching English on the basis of information technology in medical education.” – In April 2021, the journal “Integration of science, education and practice” published an article “Kompleksnyy podkhod k mirovozzreniyu i razvitiu uchachichsya s pomoshyu osnovatelnogo ovladeniya inostrannыm yazыkam.” (April 2021, edition: 4) – Submitted to the Academicia – International Multidiscipline Research Journal in April 2021 for publication in the article “The role of integration in the teaching of foreign languages ​​in medical institutions.” – April 16, 2021 participated in the International Online Conference “Science and Education: Current Issues, Achievements and Innovations in Medicine.”
Akhmedova Uktamkhon Erkinovna has 32 years of experience in the field of education, 23 of which are associated with the Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health. Since 1998, he has been teaching Russian at the Department of Uzbek and Foreign Languages. At the same time, the department is responsible for educational work. As an exemplary group coach, he is actively involved in educating the younger generation. His coaching teams include the winners of national competitions, active participants of various festivals and conferences, talented students conducting research. In addition to teaching, OE Akhmedova is the author of more than 30 scientific articles and theses on research work, including more than 10 scientific articles published in foreign journals, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the authoritative scientific journals of the republic. Author of several textbooks, 1 monograph. He actively participates in international and national scientific conferences.     In February of this year, O.E. Akhmedova Russia on a contract basis Organized under the Kursk State Medical University of the Federation “Organization of health and public health. Opyt Rossiyskoy Federatsii i perspektivy ego ispolzovaniya za rubejom ”144-hour online training course.       Akhmedova UE, as a senior teacher, carries out effective work for young teachers of the department on improving the quality and efficiency of lessons, as well as the orientation of students and graduates to higher education in secondary schools of our region, the study of foreign languages.    As a dedicated, humble, and exemplary team coach, he has earned respect among students and colleagues. Married, exemplary housewife, mother of 3 children and grandmother of 8 grandchildren.