On 15th January 2023, Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health celebrated the Indian festival of Pongal with great enthusiasm and joy. Pongal is traditionally celebrated in southern India and marks the start of the harvest season. It is a time of joy and thanksgiving for the bountiful harvest.

The celebration was organized by the university and brought together students from different cultural backgrounds for a day of games, activities, and cultural exchange. The event was well attended by students, staff, and faculty members.

The Pongal celebration at Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health was a great success and was an opportunity for students and staff to come together and learn about different cultures and traditions. It was also a reminder of the importance of embracing and celebrating diversity in our community.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the student council and all the participants for making this event a great success. We look forward to many more such celebrations in the future.

We also have some memories and images captured during the event that we would like to share with our readers. You can find them on our website, Instagram and Facebook page, please do not hesitate to visit and have a look.
#PongalCelebration #FMIPH #FerganaMedicalInstituteofPublicHealth #CulturalExchange #studymbbsinuzbekistan

For more details contact us at 8368992922

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